Do you know your own personal rhythm?
Do you also feel that stress no longer simply passes you by? Is your energy dwindling and are the challenges increasing?
We are not made for constant stress. At some point, the body system goes on strike, leading to irritability and bad moods, weight gain, depression, burn-out and much more.
Eating regular meals, slowing down, spending more time feeling good and finally thinking about what you want in order to achieve a better quality of life and more satisfaction. That’s a good start.
A rest period at lunchtime can be various things, such as a short nap, a relaxing walk or getting some fresh air in a cozy spot in nature. All of this helps you to calm down again.
The organ clock
The organ clock, based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), describes the working and resting phases of the organs, as these are also subject to a regular rhythm.
Suggestions for A rhythmic week
- Set yourself clear working hours during which you can be productive.
- Make sure you have enough downtime when you are “offline” and cannot be reached.
- Make time for private activities, e.g. playing with the children, running, cycling, gardening or similar.
- Don’t forget to make time for yourself personally by pursuing your interests.
- Decide when you will go to bed.
Recommendations for healthy sleep
The 5-point concept
Everything is connected to everything. Activity, every meal, too little sleep, stress and much more can change the hormonal balance. In order to provide you with the best possible support on your path to your own center, we have put together this concept for you with products of the highest quality.